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Other Services: Historical (post-Reformation)

[toggle title=”Book of Common Prayer Rites (Bangor Cathedral, February 2012)”]

1559 Evensong: Service booklet for minister and singers (PDF)
1559 Evensong: Sheet for congregation (PDF)


[toggle title=”Book of Common Prayer Rites (St John’s Church, Washington, Connecticut, October 2013)”]

1549 Holy Communion: Service booklet for ministers (PDF)
1549 Holy Communion: Service booklet for singers (PDF)
1549 Holy Communion: Service booklet for congregation (PDF)
1552 Holy Communion: Service booklet for ministers (PDF)
1552 Holy Communion: Service booklet for congregation (with music) (PDF)
1604 Evensong: Service booklet for minister and singers (PDF)
1604 Evensong: Service booklet for congregation (PDF)
